We have been joking over the past week that our new working title should be "logistical nightmare," and we haven't even hit the road yet! We are trying to gather a baseline on the band members to show them in their day-to-day lives here in Portland as well as what they are doing to prepare for the tour which is only complicated by the fact that with only a week to go, they are busy, and, all in different locations. We are actually looking forward to when they will be no more than a mile apart at all times...
Over the course of the last week we have:
- Met up and staged initial interviews with all four members, both at home and at work,
- Traveled to Astoria, OR (80 miles away) three times to catch up with Luke as he finished construction on the awesome bass bike trailer that he designed and built,
- Filmed Israel rerecording vocals at Miracle Lake Studios with Skylar Norwood, the producer of 3 Rounds and a Sound
- Caught Luke's interview by Liam Dunne on KMUN coastal radio in Astoria,
- Discovered that food is our best friend in fighting of exhaustion, low-blood sugar induced stress, and moments where we ask ourselves why we are trying to do something this difficult. Our favorite place in Portland for a shot of enthusiasm is Potato Champion!, a wonderful late night fry stand at the corner of 12th and Hawthorne in SE Portland.

Speaking of logistics, we also have decided that we need a second camera, which we have been referring to as the "band cam." Our primary camera, a Panasonic HVX200A, produces beautiful crisp images during daylight hours, but the low-light capabilities leave much to be desired. We do have a light kit and the ability to light venues, and the guests at the birthday party on
Sauvie Island on Friday night were kind enough to not mind the 200-watt paper lantern that we hung in order to augment the candles and string of Christmas tree lights. Cosy lighting is lovely, but not film friendly. Now we are searching for the ideal second camera: great in low-light, easy to use auto functions so the band members can pick it up at campsites or backstage, and with a price that fits our already stretched budget. Any and all suggestions are welcome!